BeBOP Reading Group
Meeting Times
All meetings are held in 606 Soda except where noted.
- BeBOP: Fridays, 12:30--2p
Some bibliographies (in BibTeX format) of relevant readings as
we collect them:
Prior Reading Lists
For Tuesday, June 18, 2002
For Tuesday, February 19, 2002
For Monday, February 4, 2002
- "Improving Performance of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication"
(SC 1999)
A. Pinar, M. Heath.
This paper discusses reordering techniques for creating
dense block structure in sparse matrices. The reordering
problem is formulated as a traveling salesman problem.
(Note: The fonts in the PostScript version display a little
more clearly than those in the PDF version.)
Broken links or other comments? Mail me.