kerargs_MatMult_t | Arguments for the kernel, |
kerargs_MatMultAndMatTransMult_t | Arguments for the kernel, , |
kerargs_MatPowMult_t | |
kerargs_MatTransMatMult_t | Arguments for the kernel, |
kerargs_MatTrisolve_t | Arguments for the kernel, |
kernel_t | Stores workload component arguments |
matopts_t | Stores valid matrix options |
oski_fillprofile_BCSR_t | Stores a 'fill ratio estimate' profile |
oski_heurrec_t | Heuristic record |
oski_inmatpropset_t | Collected input matrix property settings |
oski_matBDIAG1_t | Stores a single block diagonal (BDIAG1) |
oski_matCB_t | Cache block format |
oski_matcommon_t | Matrix type-independent data |
oski_matCSC_t | Compressed sparse column (CSC) format |
oski_matCSR_t | Compressed sparse row (CSR) format |
oski_matDENSE_t | Dense column major format |
oski_matGCSR_t | Generalized compressed sparse row (GCSR) format |
oski_matlua_t | OSKI-Lua userdata structure, wrapper around a generic matrix type |
oski_matMATTYPE_TEMPLATE_t | Custom matrix (MATTYPE_TEMPLATE) data structure |
oski_matspecific_t | Matrix type-specific representation |
oski_matstruct_t | Generic matrix representation |
oski_matVBR_t | Variable block row (VBR) format |
oski_mregblock_t | Stores the results of evaluating the register blocking heuristic |
oski_permstruct_t | Generic row/column permutation structure |
oski_profile_BCSRMatMult_t | Stores a register blocking profile |
oski_profile_MBCSRMatMult_t | Stores a register blocking profile |
oski_profile_MBCSRSymmMatMult_t | Stores a register blocking profile |
oski_regblock_t | Stores the results of evaluating the register blocking heuristic |
oski_regprof_t | Stores a complete register profile |
oski_regprofheur_t | Stores results of register blocking heuristic evaluation |
oski_regprofkernel_t | Stores kernel-specific register profile information |
oski_structhint_t | Structural hint record |
oski_submatCB_t | Cache block |
oski_symmrb_t | Stores the results of evaluating the register blocking heuristic |
oski_traceargs_MatMult_t | Trace argument signature for oski_MatMult() |
oski_traceargs_MatMultAndMatTransMult_t | Store features of the input arguments to the oski_MatMultAndMatTransMult() kernel |
oski_traceargs_MatPowMult_t | Trace argument signature for oski_MatPowMult() |
oski_traceargs_MatTransMatMult_t | Trace argument signature for oski_MatTransMatMult() |
oski_tracerec_t | A trace record that stores the number of times a kernel has been (and/or will be) called with a particular argument list |
oski_vecstruct_t | Multivector view structure |
tagBebop_kerinfo_t | Kernel descriptor record |
tagBebop_matBCSR_t | Block compressed sparse row (BCSR) format |
tagBebop_matMBCSR_t | Modified block compressed sparse row (MBCSR) format |
tagBebop_matTRIPART_t | Triangular partition (TRIPART), or the "switch-to-dense" data structure |
tagBebop_mattype_t | Matrix type record |
tagBebop_scalinfo_t | Information about an available scalar type |
tagBebop_timerstruct_t | Stores 'stop-watch' timer data |
tagComplex_t | Single precision complex data type |
tagDoublecomplex_t | Double precision complex data type |
tagindvalpair_t | Temporary array element structure containing an integer index and its corresponding scalar non-zero value |
tagOski_submat_t | Defines a rectangular submatrix consisting of a given number of consecutive rows and columns, starting at a given offset |
tagOski_submatMBCSR_t | Stores an MBCSR "submatrix" |
tagSimplelist_t | Simple list object |
tagSimplelistIterator_t | Iterator object for a simple list |
tagSimplenode_t | Node in the linked list |