parallel Optimized Sparse Kernel Interface library
poski_Common.c | Commonly used routines in the pOSKI library |
poski_InitCloseHandler.c | Initialize and clean-up the pOSKI library |
poski_Kernel_common.c | Commonly used routines in kernel Handler's modules |
poski_Kernel_matmult.c | Handle the Sparse matrix-vector computations |
poski_KernelHandler.c | Handle the Sparse matrix kernels |
poski_LoadMatrix_common.c | Commonly used routines in the poski_LoadMatrixHandler's routines |
poski_LoadMatrix_HB_to_CSR.c | Read the pattern of a file stored in Harwell-Boeing format |
poski_LoadMatrix_MM_to_CSR.c | Read the pattern of a file stored in Matrix-Market format |
poski_LoadMatrixHandler.c | Handle the pattern of a file stored in Harwell-Boeing or Matrix-Market format |
poski_LogFileHandler.c | Handle the message output file |
poski_Malloc.c | Customized memory allocation routines in the pOSKI library |
poski_Matrix_common.c | Commonly used routines in Matrix Handler's modules |
poski_Matrix_getset.c | Get/Set values routines in Matrix Handler's modules |
poski_MatrixHandler.c | Handle the tunable sparse matrix object |
poski_MessageHandler.c | Handle the output messages |
poski_Partition_common.c | Commonly used routines in poski_PartitionHandler's routines |
poski_Partition_OneD.c | Handle One dimensional partitioning model |
poski_Partition_SemiOneD.c | Handle SemiOne dimensional partitioning model |
poski_PartitionHandler.c | Handle partitioning model routines |
poski_PermuteHandler.c | Handle the permuting routines |
poski_SysConfigureHandler.c | Check the current system configurations |
poski_Test_NaiveSpMV.c | Naive sparse matrix-vector computation |
poski_TestHandler.c | Commonly used routines to test the library's routines |
poski_Thread_common.c | Commonly used routines in poski_ThreadHandler's routines |
poski_Thread_NUMA.c | Control NUMA affinity |
poski_ThreadHandler.c | Handle threading model routines |
poski_TuneMat_common.c | |
poski_TuneMatHandler.c | Tuning module implementation |
poski_Vector_common.c | Commonly used routines in Vector Handler's modules |
poski_VectorHandler.c | Handle the vector view object |